2016 Goodyear Airship Calendar Giveaway

To celebrate the New Year, Airships.net is giving away a 2016 Goodyear Airship Calendar produced by the great folks at the Airship International Press.

2016 Goodyear Airship Calendar

To enter, visit the Airships.net Facebook page and add a comment to the post about the calendar giveaway. You can say anything you like: “I want one,” “I love the Goodyear Blimp,” anything at all (but just one comment per person!) and I will use a random number generator to determine which comment is the winner. The contest closes at the end of the day on Monday, 4 January, 2016.

2016 Goodyear Airship Calendar

While you are thinking about airship items I encourage you to check out the website of the Naval Airship Association; visit their store for a selection of airship items available through the Airship International Press and consider becoming a member.

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Dagmara Lizlovs
Dagmara Lizlovs
cameron Goodyear
cameron Goodyear

I am a Goodyear and would love a calendar!