A photograph of Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin during the American Civil War

This plate from Alexander Gardner’s Photographic Sketchbook of the War shows Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin among a group of Union officers outside the Fairfax Courthouse in June, 1863.

Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin during American Civil War

Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin during American Civil War

Gardners Sketch Book - Studying the Art of War

Zeppelin wrote of his visit to the Fairfax Courthouse to visit the German division in XI Corps under the command of Carl Schurz.

The officers in the photograph are identified as: (left to right) Major Ludlow, Captain Ulric Dahlgren (standing), Lieutenant Colonel Dickinson, Zeppelin, and Lieutenant Rosencranz. The accompanying text notes that “the gentleman in foreign uniform is Count Zeppalin (sic), of the Prussian army, then on a visit to this country.”

Tomorrow I will post another photograph of Count von Zeppelin in the United States. Keep an eye on the blog.  🙂 

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The uniform Zeppelin is wearing is the 1848 standard uniform for the Wurttemberg army. Royal Blue Coat, red cuffs and collar. Red and Black barrel sash. The hat is sky blue, black leather band and brim, white worsted trim. You will notice he is wearing the US rank shoulder straps.… Read more »

John Polucci
John Polucci

The American Civil War had more of an influence upon WWI than most think.


Fantastic. I knew Zeppelin had been an observer but did not know there was a photo of him from that time. Thanks!


When this photograph waa taken,Lt. Zeppelin was serving in the army of the Kingdom of Wurtemburg. Most likely by the time Leslie’s book came out now Count Zeppelin was serving in the Prussian army. The uniform he is wearing is the undress uniform of royal blue frock, silver buttons, red… Read more »