Expanded, revised edition of “Zeppelin Hindenburg” now available for pre-order

A new, revised, and expanded edition of Zeppelin Hindenburg: An Illustrated History of LZ-129 is now available for pre-order!

This new edition includes additional information, some of which has never been previously published or available to the public, including:

  • A detailed list of every Hindenburg flight with:
    • Verified departure and landing times in local time
    • Flight duration
    • Commander
    • Information about crew and passengers
    • Quantity of post and freight carried
    • Notes about the flight
  • A detailed list of the passengers who were booked on Flight 64, the return flight to Germany that never happened, with biographical information
  • A weight and loading chart from the official Hindenburg flight log
  • Technical details about the ship from a memorandum prepared by a U.S. Navy observer
  • A copy of Hindenburg’s official 1937 Application for Landing Rights in the USA, with information about the ship’s proposed operations for 1937
  • A detailed list of the crew and passengers on the last flight

Other new facts and information have also been added to the text, and the authors have also corrected the errors that can sometimes creep into a book’s first edition.

Our goal was to create a new edition that would serve as a useful reference book in addition to telling the fascinating story of one of the world’s greatest airships. We hope you enjoy it!

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Michael Hopp
Michael Hopp

Hm. Here I’d gotten the first edition, and now this comes up! You tempt me, sir, you tempt me very much.