Michal Bárta, an immensely talented Czech animator and developer, has released the most impressive visualizations of LZ-129 Hindenburg that I have ever seen, in both VR and 3D app versions.
The screen shots below demonstrate how easy it is — thanks to Michal’s amazing work — to imagine yourself aboard Hindenburg as a passenger or crew member, and to understand the design, structure, and layout of the airship.
Michal has brought the ship to life in a way that has never been done before.
The VR version and the 3D app for mobile devices can be purchased at these links:
App: Hindenburg 3DA
You can also see many other impressive renderings created by Michal in the upcoming book, Zeppelin Hindenburg: An Illustrated History of LZ-129, scheduled for release early next year.
“Hindenburg VR application developed by indie developer from Czech Republic Michal Bárta – 3DA”
From the 3DA App
From Hindenburg VR
One of the renderings created by Michal Bárta for Zeppelin Hindenburg: An Illustrated History of LZ-129:
Thank you, Michael, for bringing the airship to life!
It is a good first attempt (I have the iPad app for this), but I think I would like it better if the modelling and the textures were more photorealistic.
Thanks Dan, This is really a great surprise. I never i would be able to board Hindenburg, let alone get lost in the envelope! the views of Hindenburg are stunning and the colors and textures are superb. I would like to have some kind of documentation. I am sure that… Read more »
OMG! This is fabulous! This I have to get!