90th Anniversary of R34 Arrival in America

Today is the 90th anniversary of the arrival of the British airship R34 in America on July 6, 1919, after its historic transatlantic crossing.

R-34 arriving at Mineola, New York. July 6, 1919.

R34 arriving at Mineola, New York. July 6, 1919.

At approximately 9:00 AM on July 6, 1919, R34 arrived at Mineola, New York after crossing the Atlantic from Scotland, and Major E.M. Pritchard parachuted from the airship to the ground to supervise landing operations.

R34 had departed East Fortune, Scotland on July 2, 1919, and completed the 3,130 nautical mile journey to America in 108 hours and 12 minutes.

Zachary Lansdowne arriving in Mineola, NY on R-34. July 6, 1919.

Zachary Lansdowne after arrival of R34. July 6, 1919.

The ship was under the command of Major George Herbert Scott, who was later killed in the crash of the R101 in October, 1930.  Also aboard was American naval officer Zachary Lansdowne, who later served as captain of the United States Navy airship Shenandoah.

Just before midnight on July 10, 1919, R34 departed New York for its return to the United Kingdom, arriving in Pulham, England after a flight of 75 hours and 3 minutes. It was the first round-trip crossing of the Atlantic by air.



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Denilson Alberti
Denilson Alberti

Dizem que o Conde Zeppelin sonhava em realizar um vôo transatlântico, e projetava isso antes mesmo da Grande Guerra
Com o início do conflito mundial, ele teve de adiar esses planos, e o desenrolar dos acontecimentos e sua morte impediram de realizar tal sonho.

Neil Rhodes

Officers also got a silver cigarette case made by Tiffany for the R34’s Atlantic Crossing. I have the navigator Major H G G Cooke’s engraved (with his initials HGGC) cigarette case.

Thomas J. Rose
Thomas J. Rose

I just found in my collection a glass negative of the R-34.

Neil Rhodes

Still got them? Get in touch for some photo restoration and scanning! image-restore.co.uk They sound intriguing.

Bill Welker

This is a great story – and to see how Zachary Lansdowne was on-board! I must do some research to see if I can identify just where in Mineola, New York she landed. This historic flight – first round trip crossing of the Atlantic by air – should not be… Read more »


My step-dad came from England through Ellis Island. I wish he had told me how he came into the owning of a model, pretty worn, 23″ in length and on a stand 17″ height. Seeing the pics on the internet it is a replica of the R34 1919. I would… Read more »

Ken Gray
Ken Gray

Grandfather was Corpl. J.H. Gray, Engineer on R34. Interested to hear you are researching for a Centenary Comm. Cat was called Wopsie. I have propelling pencil also lamp gifted to my Grandfather. There is an exhibition at East Fortune on permanent display. Please let me know how your research goes… Read more »

Ronnie Mehlis

Hello Ken, I am doing some research on the real history of the R34 I found this online-chat and thought I should give it a try even though the statements here are some years old. Thing is that I am part of the crew that is producing a musical written… Read more »

Kathryn Stucchio
Kathryn Stucchio

My Great Grandfather was part of the crew on the R34. We had donated a lot of memorabilia to the air museum on Long Island which I don’t believe they have used. He had left for this flight two weeks after my grandmothers birth in 1919….

Ronnie Mehlis

Hello Kathryn, I am doing some research on the real history of the R34 I found this online-chat and thought I should give it a try even though the statements here are some years old. Thing is that I am part of the crew that is producing a musical written… Read more »

Janet Hansen
Janet Hansen

I have a picture of the R34 that my Dad got from the Navy. He helped to land it. I would like to know if they have a list of the names who helped land it. My dad’s name is Rudolph William Ebert.

Dick Haywood
Dick Haywood

I have a picture of the R34 hanging on my wall in my computer room. My Grand-father, Hote Haywood, was a part of the landing party. My Grandfather was from Bloomfield, In. My Dad got the picture when my grandfather passed away back in 1969. I got the picture when… Read more »

david dean
david dean

are there any pictures available of major scott as he is my wifes grandfather

Dan (Airships.net)

There are many photos of Major Scott in R101: A Pictorial History

Ronnie Mehlis

Hello Dean, I am doing some research on the real history of the R34 I found this online-chat and thought I should give it a try even though the statements here are some years old. Thing is that I am part of the crew that is producing a musical written… Read more »