Definitive new book about Hindenburg now available

I am very pleased that “Zeppelin Hindenburg: An Illustrated History of LZ-129” is now available for pre-order on Amazon.

Cheryl Ganz, Patrick Russell, and I wrote this book together over the course of a year. We included dozens of never-before-published photographs and extensive text about Hindenburg’s development, design, construction, operation, and crash. Our goal was to create the most definitive book about LZ-129 ever published, and unlike other works on the topic the entire book (all 192 pages) is devoted solely and completely to Hindenburg.

Hindenburg book by Dan Grossman, Cheryl Ganz, and Patrick Russell

We are very proud of this book and we know you will enjoy it!

Hindenburg: Illustrated History of LZ-129, sample pages

The book is available now for pre-order on

If anyone would like to purchase a copy that I have autographed, with a personalized inscription if requested, feel free to contact me at for payment details.

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Michael Hopp
Michael Hopp

Finally arrived today! This book is a pure delight. Congrats to you and your fellow authors on making a very enjoyable read. The wealth of photographs and other visual tidbits was most appreciated as well.

Thank you for this, it is a “must-have” for any airship enthusiast’s library.


Just received my copy of this book. Looks great and lovingly written and produced. A “must-read” for all airship and Zeppelin lovers.

Kim A. Hinceman
Kim A. Hinceman

Great. I’d like a signed copy. When will it be available, and how do I pay you?


Looks awesome. Pre-ordered my copy.


I am also interested in a signed copy. Please send me the information.

Thank you

Pete Braun
Pete Braun

Neat. How much for a signed copy?