Hindenburg Documentary on UK Channel 4 on Thursday

The UK version of the documentary “What Destroyed the Hindenburg?” will be shown on Thursday, March 7 at 9:00 PM on Channel 4.

The documentary is a fascinating and serious look at a previously unexplored theory about the destruction of the ship, regarding the role of the Hindenburg’s ventilation shafts in the propagation of the fire.   I was pleased to be involved with this project as technical advisor and on-air historian.  We had a wonderful writer/director, Nic Young, who was passionate about doing justice to both the science and the history, and a great presenter, Jem Stansfield, who brought his background in aeronautical engineering in addition to his usual energy and enthusiasm.

As regular readers of this blog will know, this is the UK version of a documentary that was broadcast in the United States in December.  The Channel 4 version is slightly longer and provides additional focus on the history of the passenger airship and the role of the zeppelin as a Nazi symbol, so even viewers who have seen the US version will enjoy watching the documentary on Channel 4.

Behind the scenes of the documentary "What Destroyed the Hindenburg"; Dan Grossman photo

I posted some of my behind-the-scenes photos in a previous post for those who would like to learn more about how we made the film.


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I just watched it and it was very well done!


Fascinating! Still not 100% sure of the cause here, but a couple of the experiments were certainly visually very similar to the real thing. And it wasn’t over-sensationalised, like some other Hindenburg documentaries.