Passport of Hindenburg Passenger Moritz Feibusch

Photographs of the scorched passport  passport of Moritz Feibusch of San Francisco, who died in the Hindenburg disaster, have been published by the Judah L. Magnes Museum of Berkeley, California, USA.

Moritz Feibusch Passport


Moritz Feibusch PassportScorched passport of Hindenburg passenger Moritz Feibusch

Moritz Feibusch Passport

Moritz Feibusch was widely traveled and made annual trips to Europe in connection with his business interests in canning and packing. During Hindenburg’s final flight Feibusch wrote hundreds of preprinted postcards to send to friends, such as this example:

Moritz Feibusch Hindenburg Postcard

When reminded by Hindenburg’s chief steward, Heinrich Kubis, that the flight was not the ship’s maiden voyage, Feibusch responded with a smile that at least it was his maiden voyage.

There are also several examples of forged Hindenburg crash mail that were created to appear as if they were written by Moritz Feibusch, but meticulous research by historian Cheryl Ganz, with the assistance of Feibusch’s nephew, Martin Feibusch, exposed the forgeries.  (Ganz and Feibusch published their findings in the July, 1988, issue of The Zeppelin Collector: “œHindenburg Crash Cover Forgeries and Passenger Moritz Feibusch.”)

The Magnes Museum is devoted to the art and history of the Jewish experience and Moritz Feibusch was one of two Jewish passengers aboard the last flight of LZ-129; the other was William Leuchtenberg. The complete series of 63 images, covering three of Mr. Feibusch’s passports and travel documents, can be found at the Magnes Museum’s Flickr photostream.

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