Hindenburg Design and Technology

Hindenburg’s Basic Design

The basic design of LZ-129 Hindenburg was conventional, and based on time-tested technology used by chief designer Ludwig Dürr and the Zeppelin Company for decades.  The ship was built with triangular duralumin girders (bright blue from protective lacquer) forming 15 main rings, connecting 36 longitudinal girders, with a triangular keel at the bottom of the hull, an axial corridor at the center of the ship, and a cruciform tail for strength.

Hindenburg profile, showing major elements, and numbering system for gas cells and frames. Drawing courtesy David Fowler. (click to enlarge)

Hindenburg profile, showing major elements and numbering system for gas cells and frames. Drawing courtesy David Fowler. (click to enlarge)

(Hindenburg’s main rings — also called frames — were numbered by their distance in meters from a reference point located roughly at the ship’s tail.  Hindenburg’s gas cells were numbered from 1 through 16, aft to forward.)

Hindenburg Main Ring 92 (at left), and Main Ring 33.5 (at right), showing sturdy, cruciform structure of the tail. Drawings courtesy David Fowler. (click all images to enlarge)

Hindenburg Main Ring 92 (at left), and Main Ring 33.5 (at right) showing sturdy, cruciform structure of the tail. Drawings courtesy David Fowler. (click all images to enlarge)

Hindenburg was originally designed to be operated with helium but the United States had a monopoly on the non-flammable gas, and the Helium Control Act of 1927 prohibited American export of helium to any foreign nation.

Hindenburg Flight Technology

For a discussion of LZ-129’s flight instruments and flight controls, visit the sections on Hindenburg’s Control Car and Hindenburg Flight Operations.

Hindenburg Technological Innovations

Hindenburg’s Size and Shape

One importance technological advance was the ship’s very shape and dimensions; although only about 30 feet longer than Graf Zeppelin, Hindenburg carried about twice the volume of lifting gas, due to its larger diameter and “fatter” profile.  Hindenburg’s thicker shape also gave it greater structural strength against bending stresses, as compared to the thinner profile of Graf Zeppelin.

The ability to build a ship with a much thicker profile was due to the construction of a new, larger shed at Friedrichshafen in 1929-1930 (see photograph below), which had been financed by the German national government and the State of Wurttemberg.

The construction sheds at Friedrichshafen. The older Factory Shed II, whose height limited the dimensions of Graf Zeppelin, is on the left, and the new, larger shed which allowed construction of Hindenburg is on the right.

The construction sheds at Friedrichshafen. The older Factory Shed II, whose height limited the dimensions of Graf Zeppelin, is on the left, and the new larger shed which allowed construction of Hindenburg is on the right.

The height of the previous construction shed had limited the dimensions of Graf Zeppelin (resulting in that ship’s thin profile and the very forward placement of Graf Zeppelin’s passenger gondola, to maximize use of the ship’s diameter).  The new shed allowed the construction of much larger airships, which could carry the greater volume of gas necessary to lift the payload required for profitable scheduled transatlantic passenger service.

Hindenburg’s Gas Cells

Hindenburg under construction, showing the axial catwalk passing through the center of a gas cell, and the outline of the passenger compartment at lower right.

Hindenburg under construction, showing the axial catwalk passing through the center of a gas cell, and the outline of the passenger compartment at lower right. (click to enlarge)

One innovation aboard Hindenburg was the use of a new material for the construction of the gas cells.  While gas cells for earlier German zeppelins were made of goldbeater’s skin (the outer membrane of cattle intestines) the cells aboard Hindenburg used a new material, similar to that used by the Americans, which was made by brushing layers of gelatine onto a sheet of cotton; this gelatine film was sandwiched between two layers of cotton to create the fabric for the cells.

Hindenburg’s gas cells had 14 manually-controlled maneuvering valves located just above the axial walkway, which could be operated from the main gas board in the control car; electric meters measured the fullness of each cell and could be monitored in the control car.  Hindenburg was also equipped with 14 automatic valves which released gas whenever cell pressure became too high, to avoid damage to the cells themselves or to the framework of the ship.

Hindenburg’s Engines

Hindenburg’s Daimler-Benz engines were also rather advanced, based on the MB-502 engine designed for German E-boats (high-speed motor torpedo boats) as part of the Nazi’s rearmament program.

16-cylinder Daimler Airship Engine

16-cylinder Daimler Airship Engine

Each of Hindenburg’s four LOF-6 (DB-602) 16-cylinder engines had an output of 1320 hp @ 1650 RPM (maximum power), and 900 hp @ 1480 RPM.

The normal cruise setting was 1350 RPM, generating approximately 850 hp, and this setting was usually not adjusted during an ocean crossing.  The engines were started with compressed air, and could be started, stopped, and reversed in flight.

Using 2:1 reduction gearing, each engine drove a 4-bladed, fixed-pitch, 19.7′ diameter metal-sheathed wooden propeller (created from two 2-bladed props fused together).

Hindenburg engine car. (Drawing courtesy David Fowler.)

Hindenburg engine car. (Drawing courtesy David Fowler.)

Interior of Hindenburg engine car, with Chief Engineer Rudolf Sauter (left) and Engineer Raphael Schädler (right)

Interior of Hindenburg engine car, with Chief Engineer Rudolf Sauter (left) and Engineer Raphael Schädler (right)

The engines were mounted in four engine cars; two at Ring 92, and two at Ring 140.  To protect the ship’s fabric covering, the engines which were angled slightly away away from the hull so that the their propeller wash would not directly strike the ship’s covering.  The rear engine cars were mounted lower on the hull than the forward cars, so that the propellers of the rear cars would operate in clean air, undisturbed by the propwash from the forward engines.   A mechanic was stationed in each engine car at all times to monitor the diesel and carry out engine orders transmitted from the control car.

There were plans, never implemented, to add a fifth engine car, containing a Daimler-Benz diesel adapted to burn hydrogen.  The proposed installation would have been an experiment to improve the ship’s economy and efficiency by burning hydrogen which would otherwise have been valved.  (Hindenburg valved between 1 and 1-1/2 million cubic feet of hydrogen on an average north Atlantic crossing.)


Mechanic entering an engine car

An innovative feature of the Hindenburg was the ship’s Anschutz “auto-pilot”, which used a gyroscopic compass to control the rudder and elevators, and keep the ship on its assigned course and altitude during cruise in stable weather.

Proposed Gas Preservation and Water Recovery Systems

But Hindenburg’s potentially most innovative features were never actually implemented.  Hindenburg was originally designed for helium, which was too difficult to obtain and too expensive to be vented to compensate for the weight of fuel burned during flight.  To avoid the need to valve helium, several innovative solutions were proposed.  One involved a set of inner hydrogen gas cells to be installed at center of 14 of the ship’s 16 helium cells.  The flammable hydrogen would be protected inside the larger cell containing inert helium, and when it was necessary to valve lifting gas, hydrogen, rather than helium, could be released.   When it became obvious that helium would not be made available by the Americans, and that the ship would be inflated with hydrogen, the inner cells were abandoned, but Hindenburg did retain the axial catwalk at the center of the ship that was installed to provide access to the valves for these inner cells.  The second proposed innovation involved a water recovery system which would have used silica gel to capture water from engine exhaust, obtaining water ballast to partly compensate for the fuel burned by the engines.  This system, too, was abandoned when the Zeppelin Company was unable to obtain helium and it became necessary to inflate Hindenburg with hydrogen.

Consideration was also given to installing engines which could burn hydrogen, but tests indicated that such engines had a much more limited power output; the maximum power that could be obtained was approximately 300 hp.  Plans were drawn to add a fifth engine gondola to compensate for the lower power of hydrogen-burning engines, but these plans were never implemented.

Proposed Launch and Recovery of Fixed-Wing Aircraft

One other innovation which was briefly attempted was a plan to recover and launch fixed-wing aircraft to speed the delivery of mail.  Test were conducted in which famed German ace and Luftwaffe official Ernst Udet attempted to hook an aircraft onto Hindenburg in flight, but these attempts were not sucessful, and no such system was developed before Hindenburg’s crash in May, 1937.

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1 Are the measurements of the girder details available? 2 The statement that the decks were sheet Duralumin is interesting. It is good in tension and compression but load between supports can’t be very good. It would be bouncy and noisy. Carpet would help. It seems the German’s were using… Read more »

Andrew Bennett
Andrew Bennett

What if the attempt was the wrong design! Maybe new blood could come up with a better design with a new power sources Its time to get back into private own design with a complete AI system: With fire safety system’s onboard

Francis Doerr
Francis Doerr

My mother 🇦🇺 met my Father 🇩🇪in England in 193or 1933. He was a gynaecologist doing some study in the UK. Shortly there after they went back to Germany for their Honeymoon. One place visited was Friedrichshafen where the Hindenburg was constructed. There in order to lighten some of the… Read more »


How much would it cost to have one of these built today? Maybe a little bit longer and accommodate more passengers and weight in general? Could the structure be made out of a rigid plastic as opposed to the aluminum? I’d like to know for something that has very low… Read more »


What were the structural floors of A and B decks made of? The supporting timbers would’ve been trusses, but what were the floors themselves? Solid sheet metal? Metal grating with lots of little holes in them? Do you know how thick it would’ve been, whether an inch or maybe one… Read more »


what were the gas cells made of

Was it the president of Germany at the time? Or is
Was it the president of Germany at the time? Or is

Just had a question was the Hindenburg named after the president of Germany at the time or was it he had some kind of financial interest in it

Robert Turtle
Robert Turtle

How were the gas cells protected from chaffing against the metal structure in flight? There were so many contact points!

Virginia Reader
Virginia Reader

How much water ballast did the ship start out with? And what was the mass of the ship, with fuel, food, passengers, etc.?

Todd Millions
Todd Millions

Was there any evidence of testing the Graf (1) motors on Methane? I ask because in the case of say the R-100,it would have made lift gas valving unneeded if the wing cars had those gaseous motors, and the center cars the Condor motors on liquid fuel. This would also… Read more »