100th Anniversary of Count Zeppelin’s Death

Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin died 100 years ago today, on March 8, 1917.

Count Zeppelin's Funeral Procession

In good health despite his 78 years, Zeppelin had traveled to Berlin to attend an aeronautical exhibition in February, 1917. He developed appendicitis in late February and was operated on successfully but developed pneumonia and died in Berlin on March 8.

World War I was still raging and Zeppelin was regarded by the public as a national hero; he was given an state funeral with full honors.

His tombstone bears the words of Jesus: “Dein Glaube hat dir geholfen” (“Your faith has saved you”).

100 years after Count Zeppelin’s death, his legacy still lives.

Zeppelin NT at Friedrichshafen (Photo: Lars Pentzek)

Zeppelin NT at Friedrichshafen (Photo: Lars Pentzek)

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